Photography at the SCG Sydney

Stadium Stomp Sydney Photos

The Shoot

This is the only event of this type I photograph, and now my third year. I like the big focus the event has on gathering a community of people but also in that it keeps my skills honed with a broad mix of event photography in Sydney. Staying sharp and challenged leads to be able to cater to spontaneous moments at other types of events.

This is paramount to consistently delivering high-quality results!

Event Photography Stadium Stomp Sydney SCG
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The Sydney Stomp Step Sweat Smile Edition

This year I had 3 photography helpers and they enjoyed the challenge of the combination of shooting indoors under mixed lighting conditions and outdoors from deep shadows to bright winters morning sunlight. With two great looking stadiums and with lots of photogenic people it is always a pleasure to photograph.

Stadium Stomp’s sophistication and production keep increasing year on year. The new entry point, the large indoor foyer area provided a more comfortable experience for Stompers, volunteers and service providers alike.

This year Stadium Stomp (also known as the ultimate stair climbing challenge) had over 100 volunteers which are a testament to the great support the brand receives. They together with staff and suppliers supported and cheered around 1500 Stompers over the 6300 stairs.

If 6300 stairs sound like a lot don’t forget the running / walking back and forward on the landings.

Then a final lap around the SCG. Many many of the participants had enough energy to sprint that SCG lap too. One participant I spoke to completed the course 4 times, Four Times!

Charity partner was Leukaemia Foundation for the SCG event

Over $24,500 was raised for the partner charity, Leukaemia Foundation, at the SCG event alone, and collectively the Stadium Stomp 2017 series raised over $142,000 for charity. Woohoo, how good is that!

To help the fun and fundraising efforts of Stadium Stomp Sydney was Shannan Ponton. He was great, besides being an all-around nice guy he leads one of the warm-up classes, took some time out to chat with many attendees and had many photos taken. As you’ll spot in the photo gallery below, Shannon also took on the Stadium Stomp challenge and finished strongly.

By any measure, it was a huge success, wonderful event, and thank you Stadium Stomp for the opportunity to be a part of it again in 2017

A few highlighted photos below and also check out my 2015 blog post here

If you’d like any information about this event or our photography services in Sydney, contact us for a free quote.

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