Ecommerce Photographer Sydney

Hire Affordable e-Commerce Photography Sydney

Good sales from an ecommerce store requires good photos

Ecommerce photography is essential for most products and many services businesses. Going online to secure your place in the consumer screen time is a must. If you don’t, you may be out of business before you know it.

We all love shopping in-store. We like the tactile nature of feeling a garment, trying it on, checking it out in the mirror, and getting feedback from the salesperson or a friend.

Not all these attributes of shopping satisfaction are available online, but as technology and people’s habits change, you can certainly fill a void for convenience, immediacy, and dopamine shopping satisfaction.

An easy-to-use website, excellent copy, and tonnes of brand authority certainly helps, but none of it matters if the photography doesn’t convey the visual cues. A great eCommerce photo is the wrapping for the sale.

No ecommerce store, no ecommerce sales. Simple. Great photos equals great sales, Simply good.

The E-Commerce trend is one you need to embrace

E-commerce photography has been trending for both products and services businesses for a while. Many new consumers have come in contact with an online store due to the changing customer needs, even more so in the last couple of years. They scroll through the e-commerce sites to view the products and services on offer.

Taking shots of your products for your web store is what defines the concept of e-commerce photography.

Stopping the endless consumer robotic scrolling defines whether the captured shot is good or bad. After all, consumers are attracted to good product photos, and the bad ones blind them. This article examines what e-commerce photography entails.

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E-commerce On Model Fashion Photography Examples

Photos of Affordable E-Commerce On Model Fashion Product Photography

Jumping on the ecommerce train is a must, don’t miss it

Home and Garden products are up 37.4% YOY 2020-2021. Pet products,
Baby products and Homewares and Appliances growing over 46% for online shopping. Are you in one of these categories?

Your ticket to jump on the e-commerce gravy train are great photos (together with the other important marketing and brand attributes)

According to the data [Australia Post] online shopping has grown 31.8% year on year (financial year) in Australia, 30 June 2021/2022. And see chart below.

Bright clear and crisp photos gives you higher click through rates. Also helps carry the shopper to the cart and ‘Buy Now’ checkout page. Capture your share of the market growth. Act today.

What is E-commerce photography and the goal?

E-Commerce photography entails capturing shots of products for digital use.

In most scenarios, the captured shots are displayed on e-commerce website advertising the products for sale.

The website can be stand alone or managed.

The tricky part of e-commerce photography is that it can make or break your business. Don’t pay too little or too much.

Hence, the typical duty of an e-commerce photographer is to capture a suitable shot and edit them with software for it to meet the specific requirements as outlined on a good detailed commercial photographer brief.

What information does a photographer needs for ecommerce product photography?

  • Mood board
  • Style
  • Intended demographic
  • Quality
  • Quantity
  • Image file specifications
  • Product main features
  • Angles
  • Lighting type
  • Set or studio
  • Consistency with previous
  • Product Budget
  • Timelines

What more information can be provided in a full brief?

  • A little or a lot about your business
  • Your business goals
  • Brand direction or business objectives
  • User Personas, two or more
  • Your competitors
  • Shoot budget
  • Preferred shot list
  • Who your key people are
  • Time frame for delivery
  • Assumptions and ideals

For small shoots only some information is needed but if there’s lots of information, all will be considered during e-commerce shoot.

Good Photography pre planning with business owners and or their Agencies is definitely advantageous.

Who are the people that usually get involved in pre planning a shoot?

  • Owners
  • Directors
  • Stylist
  • Art Director
  • Agency
  • Marketing team
  • Product development

Online ecommerce growth chart

Chart Australian-ecommerce-online-shopping-growth-2021

Chart of Australian Ecommerce Online Shopping Growth 2021. Delivered by Australia Post.

Start-ups and New product launches

For many new businesses that are bootstrapped with low budgets. They might only have a team of friends, helpers or family members.

The above specialists may be either out of reach financially or may not even be needed for a new business.

For example, if your consumer product is of low dollar value to a small niche market do you spend millions of dollars, no you don’t.

So depending on the product, it’s intended buyer demographic and volume you invest a proportioned amount on the photography and marketing.

One decision particularly for Fashion, Sleepwear, Lingerie and Night wear is the Talent, that is, the models you’re going to use. Make sure they are representative of your target market and brand positioning.

On-location, instore or in a studio?

The choice of location for the shoot is another important consideration.

Will the products look more appealing on their own as a still life photo?

Do your customers connect better with the product when they are photographed while in use in store?

What aspect of the context is important to convey an honest description of the service?

Your branding vision plays a large part in selecting the most appropriate location for the shoot.

Add the above questions and subjects to your photographer’s creative brief or at the least mention your thoughts and workshop it during your preliminary meetings.

Ecommerce product photo examples for fashion start up

Ecommerce-photo-example-for-fashion-photography. Photos by
Fashion-Ecommerce-photo-example. By Photographer

On-model fashion Photography. Sleepwear, Lingerie and Nightwear Shoot.

How Important is E-Commerce for you?

E-Commerce photography is critical to your online store success.

It can make or break it, as the pictures are your online products.

Good e-commerce photography attracts consumers to your site, increasing brand awareness that ultimately generates sales.

Since consumers need to get an in-store experience for online purchasing, e-commerce photography provides a suitable alternative option for that.

It helps define the perception of the products by capturing a series of photos that creates a sense of attachment for consumers.

The future of eCommerce is bright but only with the right photos.

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