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What is Commercial Photography?

Tips, Types, Examples and Importance

By Author and Professional Photographer Post Modified July 27, 2024 @ 11:46 am Last Updated on 7 months by

Commercial Photography Introduction

Overview of commercial and advertising photography

Commercial photography is a method of capturing the essence of your product or service in a single photo frame.

This page breaks down the detail of commercial photography, its importance, and how and where to use the photos.

What is Commercial photography?

Commercial photography is defined as a genre of photography that involves creating images for commercial purposes, such as in advertising, marketing, branding, or selling a products or services in any medium.

These days the majority of business owners, managers and entrepreneurs invest a lot in promotional photography. They present their products or services in the most appealing way possible to draw the attention of new clients. Doing it themselves is not advisable or in most cases, possible.

That’s why Marketing and Brand Managers hire professional commercial photographers for retail, websites, marketing, magazines and other media.

In modern industries, the impact of commercial photography is seen everywhere. People learn about new, rising, or successful brands through online advertising, brochures, press releases and business reviews.

Photo from Commercial Lifestyle Wine Photoshoot. Photography By

What is the Definition of commercial use of an image?

You can’t use Google images for commercial use, that will get you into trouble. If you use stock photos you may be using duplicate content what will that do to your business or personal brand?

Any time you use an image or creative works you must make sure you have either ownership or a licence to use the works. Without it you could / will end up in a costly situation where you’ll be repairing your brand and paying large sums of monetary compensation. Every so often there are media reports of the types of violations.

How can commercial photos help your clients business?

Simple answer is to promote your business to your existing and new clients.

Most large business and government do this well. Consistent copy and consistent images is a powerful tool to convey the right message. When you have hundreds or tens of thousands of staff it’s the only way.

Small or medium size businesses don’t always do well. If this is you, start now!

If you don’t your competitor will. Especially now that online is as important (if not more) than what your showroom, retail products or office space looks like.

List of Types of Commercial Photography

Where do Brands use Commercial Photos?

  • General print and magazines
  • Digital media ad campaigns
  • E-commerce websites
  • Films and television
  • Corporate profiles
  • Editorial purposes
  • Newsletters
  • Retail promotions
  • Books
  • Packaging

What are Average Commercial photography Prices?

The commercial photography prices depend on the location, service availability, length of working hours, and the scope of production with it’s associated amount of gear to be used.

Some full team commercial shoots for a premium international brand can be $250 000 and involve Teams of people.

Others such as food, product and editorial photography for local retail outlets a more modest $2200 for a full day and a set series of photos, aka the Shot List.

Day Rates can vary greatly depending on the creatives reputation and how extensively the images will be used.

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Benefits of Having Commercial Photos

Instant recognition

No matter what type of business you are planning to do, you will have many competitors. Some of them already have a strong base, high reputation, high profit, and international contracts. So, how will the buyers know about your services? The answer is simple. You have to advertise to reach everyone. If you use stock photos, they are more likely to be ignored for sure, don’t use stock photos. An expert commercial creative will make your custom images appear nicer, cleaner, and perfect. Every time anyone visits your websites, they will get to know more about you. You will catch your customer’s eyes by having consistent messaging in the look and feel of your business, instantly recognisable.

Increased attention

When people see a product’s picture, they check it out only if it looks better than their regular products. You can add thousands of specifications on the website, but the featured photos will build up the first impression. Suppose you are launching a new item in your restaurant. Firstly, people will hardly try it unless you put it in the advertisement. Secondly, if it looks dull and non-appealing in the picture, not even 5% of customers won’t buy it.

Brand representation

Everything one puts on his official site represents your organization. Many can’t resist taking pictures themselves or calling amateur photographers to save bucks. It results in low quality and bland photos. The customers will have the same thought about your work as well. So, avoid giving false impressions. Show them engaging pictures and information of the actual business, contact details, and team members.

Web visibility

Almost all owners and influencers are aware of search engine optimization (SEO). It involves strategies to rank your website higher. Remember, only 15 to 20% of searchers go to the second page; the rest click on the first page’s contents. The image is a vital SEO component. Good-quality photos tend to perform better while appearing to be search results so that the customers will find them easily.

Corporate look

These photography skills professionally showcase the goodies. It helps the buyers to understand someone’s services or products more effectively. Due to the high-quality professional appearance, they will think positively about those items.

Increased sales and profit

Creative photography brings nothing but blessings. The sellers will get more responses than usual by using a nice picture since potential buyers click on them more. It will enhance the sales of the company. More sales mean more profit. Contrarily, a poorly lit photo can barely drag the customers.

Editorial photography tells a / your story

Similar to and often encompassing photojournalism is editorial photography, which is all about documenting real-life issues and current events. Editorial photographers are hired by a media outlet to tell a story through images, often to illustrate an upcoming event such as a product release and company announcements.

Working with a photographer

One trait when hiring a editorial freelance photographer is to determine their credibility by having a sound body of work. Are you able to demonstrate your capability in delivering the style and type of work required. Show us your photos.

Photographers can benefit from a good working relationship with Editors as they may add your name with a by-line (photo credit) to the published photos.

And who doesn’t want a bit of extra marketing that helps raise your profile.

Commercial Photography opportunities in Australia

Photography is an in demand profession in one of the world’s wealthiest countries, Australia. These are the main fields of commercial photography here:

Fashion photography

A significant amount of commercial photography comes from the fashion world. The designers flaunt their dress on the models. Each photo should highlight the product’s essence when the pictures get published in renowned magazines, social media, and e-commerce sites.

Colour accuracy is very important, when a bride decides on a wedding dress online assuming it’s cream colour, then goes into the store, it needs to be colour accurate.

People photography

It aims toward representing one or more people’s personalities. The main element should be the models face, expression and attitude by suitable gesture, lighting, and angles. The portrait photographers in Australia create these photographs for both commercial and non-commercial uses. Quite often people are their business brand as they are so connected to their business.

Product photography

Another broad category involves taking product photos either in a studio or outdoor to give desired effects. The image should reflect the product’s appearance and features. For example, a cookware company might want to display their frypan. It should be placed such that the customers can get an idea about the depth, weight, material just by seeing the product immediately.

Food photography

Even general Instagram users don’t forget to share food pictures with their friends. Besides, the restaurant owners often promote dish pictures and pay influencers to try and review their food. For even better results hire a food stylist with the photographer. The food should look natural, appealing colour and simply delicious.

Corporate photography

Corporate photography is a fairly broad term, for this description we’ll say it is for promoting the company as a whole and not specific product or services. Annual reports, acquisitions, and executive members. Many large companies manage their digital assets with specialised software. Photographers should be flexible in working with their quirks. This is where a commercial photographer will need to maintain strong relationship with marketing teams. A good detailed commercial photographer brief will help.

Architectural and interiors photography

It displays the structural view, interiors, exterior of buildings, bridges, city spaces, flyovers to name a few. Interior elements such as, carpet, cabinets, lighting and furniture. When you want to promote your materials in commercial settings, call a commercial architectural photographer.

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Commercial Photo Shoot detail for Photographers

Steps to master in commercial photography

Nobody becomes an expert overnight. It takes lots of hard work, investment, and sacrifice. You have to start from the base, learn techniques, and improve yourself. These following tips will hopefully show you the right path from the very beginning:


Developing a strong plan is the key to the success of any approach. The photographer has to consider the methods of marketing their job, investment, and offering packages with fixed pricing. The initial advertising can be done by forming an official Facebook page and requires friends to share with everyone else.

Make a solid portfolio

A portfolio holds an artist’s collections of his best pieces and evaluation. So, it is the utmost essential in the photography industry. The clients always want to confirm that their hired person has a solid base and can deal with various conditions. It won’t be possible to convince your worth without a compelling portfolio. In order to make one, pick your best-captured images displaying different subjects, events, and apertures. Arrange both normal and absolute best shots. Skip similar images.


Apart from the creative mind, persistence, and visual sensibility, a person needs to adapt skills. The newbies often lack guidance, which can lead them to these skills. Online or offline commercial photography courses can help them out. They will get to know about new photography forms, techniques, tips and tricks there.

Keep an active network

All the best event photographers maintain professional relationships properly. This big network plays an important role in referrals, being recommended, getting more clients, and many more. They criticize each other’s work, suggest changes, suggest courses, as well. Connections are also required to spread business in remote corners. Both higher-profile persons and your employees should be in your contact.

Be professional

Professionalism is a practice of devoting yourself completely to work and making decisions according to it. As a photographer, you have to be reliable. Form a positive reputation and work with care, ambition, and patience. Some earn fame because of extraordinary work but lose faster for rude behaviour, careless attitude, and less precision. Always remember that the customers can drag you down just like they once lifted you up. Be humble, caring, punctual. Try to connect with buyers as much as you can.

Use modern gear

Skill can not bring success if you lack the right equipment. The same thing is valid for photography as well. As time passes, new technology arrives and becomes trendy. If you fail to keep tools up to date, fewer customers will be willing to accept your service even if you have a million 5-star reviews. Most importantly, all efforts will go in vain unless a photographer uses a high megapixel camera.

Keep pace with new trends

Our fashion sense varies according to seasons, day time, holiday, and year. Different poses and styles become so popular that they trend everywhere. The modern generation considers them more important than ever. Being updated with them will keep you modern and help to adapt to new technology. When your customer demands a photo in a certain way, you will know how to achieve it.

Be creative, be exclusive

Try to offer something unique, creative, and extraordinary to your customer. It will be best to apply several methodologies, personal preference, different concepts with the existing styles to stand out from other similar services. Let your artistic self shine through every click. One should practice shooting with distinct styles to represent the picture in a new manner. Such particular work senses will catch the eye of multiple entrepreneurs.


A photography agency focuses on all spheres of its talents’ careers. Eventually, it will bring new jobs, establish more professional connections, and launch new projects. You can either create your or agency or work in an existing one. Note that you should have sufficient personal finances, start-up funds, and a clear plan for creating a new agency.

Determine client requirements

All service-receivers expect the best performance while spending their hard-earn cash. Hence, don’t ever let them down. Ask how they like the pictures to appear. Listening to their priorities will help you to satisfy their needs and target audience. Research about their products before heading to the studio.

When you need an inner Sydney local photographer, we are ready to help. Contact us

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Commercial Photography Examples

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