Business Branding Photography

Brand Photographer Sydney

As a small, medium or corporate business owner, you know about Positioning and just how important creating a memorable brand for your business is. But do you also know that crafting an appealing visual look for your Brand is an essential part of the Brand-Management process?

As a seasoned photographer who has helped countless entrepreneurs, business and Corporate entities build successful brands, as well as a business owner myself, I’ve confirmed one thing over the decades; nothing empowers your brand with the impetus to tell your story like consistent and conscientious imagery. And this is what Business Branding Photography is all about.

Not to be confused with Personal Branding Photography which often refers to Corporate Headshots. They are related and connected but separate to this series of articles.

This article plus How To Promote Your Business Using the Power of PR & Photography and How to Use Photography in Branding, Establish Business Identity are an exhaustive detailed guide to business branding photography; what it is, and how you can bring your brand to life by applying its principles.

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Personal Business Branding Photo Example

Simple Business Branding Photo Example

What is Business Branding Photography?

In a nutshell, Business Branding means distinguishing yourself from the crowd by creating a style that’s unique to you.
It involves sending out a clear, consistent message that clients can easily identify as yours when they come in contact with your work. In a way, branding shows your clients what to expect from you, at a single glance.

Since it carries so much weight, and since most people make conclusions and form impressions based on what they see first, presenting a cohesive, unique, and targeted outlook for your business becomes more than necessary. Your logo, colours, symbols, and fonts are important elements of your brand’s visual presence, on-brand photography is arguably even more important.

Can a person describe your style in one word by taking a look at your brand’s imagery?

If someone is asked to describe your style in one word by taking a look at your brand’s imagery, what would you want it to be? Quirky? Professional? Elegant? Creative? Minimalistic? What message does your brand pass across, and how does it do it? Does it tell your unique story? Does it reflect your principles and ethos? Do people get a clear feel for you and your style when they peruse your brand?

These are questions you need to answer about your brand’s photography.

Sometimes, I liken a business without strategic branding photography to a presentable, charismatic salesman who also doesn’t say a word. Everyone can see that they mean business because they look the part. But their inability to as much as state their business kind of defeats the whole purpose.

Essentially, business branding photography helps your audience connect with you and your brand in a way that almost nothing else can. It’ll keep your audience engaged, help generate leads, and drive conversions. And it’ll make clients and supporters of your brand feel like individual members of a global movement.

The biggest brands know this, and you should too.

You should know that crafting an appealing visual presence for your brand requires consistency.

This means that stock photos or photos from a lot of different sources are non-starters.

You shouldn’t also consider using photos taken with your phone as an option, nor should you keep recycling photos from five years ago while promoting your business.

So what should you do instead?

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Business Branding Strategies

A crucial step towards building a brand for your business is understanding and drafting a comprehensive branding strategy. Find out how to achieve both objectives here.

First and foremost, what are branding (or brand) strategies?

Marty Neumeier, a branding strategy expert, explains brand strategy as a plan that guides and lays out the systematic development of a brand for the purpose of meeting business objectives.

Brand strategy aims to influence perceptions of a brand by members of the public who would engage with it. It helps promote your business by shaping the perceptions of your brand’s audience through visual and verbal forms of expression. We can say that a successful branding strategy starts from you and evolves all the way back to your target audience.

Based on this, here are some of the best, proven branding strategies for your business:

Develop your brand’s identity and voice

To help your audience identify easily with you and your brand, you must be easily identifiable. You must stand out from the crowd, and the only way to do this is to craft your brand identity.

Be intentional about how you want your brand to be perceived and recognised, what difference you want your brand to make, your company’s objectives, core values, and mission, and how you position your services in the minds of your audience.

Taking care of these from the get-go will give you focus and direction, which will, in turn, prevent your brand from becoming mired in mediocrity.

When we talk about voice, we mean both visual and verbal elements that give expression to your brand. It includes the copy for your handbills, posters, fliers, blog, and website, but it also includes the shape and design of your logo, the colour scheme of your website and physical office, even down to your stationeries, letterheads, and envelopes.

Keep your brand voice consistent across all platforms. When creating copy for online and offline ads, ensure that your brand voice is consistent, and use the same language as your target audience.

Define your audience

The quickest way to burn yourself out is to try to please everyone at once. Not everyone will find your style attractive and that’s okay. Trying to be a jack-of-all-trades will make you a master of none, which is one of the surest ways of being unremarkable, nondescript, and irrelevant. Don’t do it.

What you should do instead is find out what appeals most to you, then look up your audience, those people that are most likely to be interested in what you do.

The best way to know your audience? By conducting market research. Or do some deep thinking and try to detach yourself from being on the inside and look at it from the third person point of view. Jump in your customers ‘shoes’.

This gives you insights as to what product is popular with them, their interests, shopping behaviour, age, location, and motivations. Knowing the demographics and interests of your target audience helps you target your product or service and ads (when they become necessary) to suit their needs better.

Find out what works and what’s popular with your target audience after you’ve identified them.

You may also take inspiration from your competitors by carrying out a competitive analysis.

Identify your unique selling proposition

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets you apart from others. It’s what will convince people to choose your brand instead of hundreds of available alternatives.

As such, you need to identify what it is quickly and make it an integral part of your branding strategy.

Do you have a unique way of rendering your service, or does your product provide a faster, more effective solution than anything else available on the market?

Be sure to incorporate this piece of information in your branding message. It’s that idea that you want your brand to be known for; your brand’s Positioning in the minds of your audience.

Use social media

By now, everyone knows that social media wields considerable clout, power, and influence when it comes to digital marketing. It simply cannot be ignored, so you owe it to yourself to harness its incredible power and use it to build your brand.

Once you’ve identified your target audience and know which social media platform they’re most active on, start a campaign to promote your product or service to them.

Provide timely, engaging content, including pictures of your products, and connect with them. Consistent application of this strategy will skyrocket your brand’s popularity, which will lead to increased engagements and conversions in almost no time at all.

5 Famous Branding Examples for Inspiration Success

Having examined what branding strategy means, let’s look at five practical examples of the application of its principles. Understanding how some of the world’s biggest brands apply this concept can get your strategic juices flowing when the time comes to create yours, I hope.

I used only global brands as examples here, but branding strategy works just as well for small brands too. Be consistent and be unique.

1. Nike

Nike’s swoosh and “Just Do It” slogan are instantly recognizable components of the sportswear and shoe-making company’s brand. The slogan in particular is memorable because it tells the brand’s story so well, as well as positions the brand in the minds of consumers as makers of premium sportswear. Nike succeeds by identifying what they want to be known for and providing an easy-to-remember slogan (almost a motto these days) for both consumers with a sense of fashion as well as people who want to keep fit.

2. Harley-Davidson

When people purchase a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, what are they really buying? It cannot be just a motorcycle because any old Suzuki would have been enough in that case. People fork out huge sums for a Harley motorbike because they’re paying for what the brand stands for. Harley-Davidson motorcycles have come to be associated with freedom, adventure, and macho strength. They’ve almost come to represent the wild west, which is what makes them irresistible to people with a similar personality to the brand’s. Harley-Davidson has succeeded in creating a personality for their brand, which is why a lot of people find it easy to identify with them.

3. Apple

Apple is marketed as a luxury product, and this status is what attracts a lot of customers. Beyond this, though, Apple also has very clear and well-defined brand values which guide all their business activities. It is these values, as well as the company’s purpose and vision statement that drives the action of their employees, influences their policies, and produces a coherent brand experience for their customers. People know that when they buy an Apple product, they’re getting a device that’s verified as quality.

4. Tesla

Tesla’s ultra-successful branding strategy is clearly stating the brand’s purpose very early on. By doing this, Tesla encourages people who are on board with their vision and purpose to engage with them. The company believes that less reliance on fossil fuels will do the world a lot of good, and by incorporating this into their purpose statement, provide a clear direction for their products and services and also something for their customers to get behind.

5. Starbucks

Starbucks is one of the most popular coffee makers in the world. Their vision statement is oddly specific; to be the finest coffee maker in the world. Is this why the company is so successful? You can be sure that having a clear goal helps the brand provide clarity as to where they’re headed and also helps them make decisions to propel the brand towards their stated goal.

Wrapping it up

No surprises in this list of famous brands, you’ve probably hear this before about these well known brands. Do you want to influence and be known internationally? Or are your goals more modest and local. Use these principals in your visuals imagery and be remembered for something, consistency, if nothing else and you’ll be remembered by all your local market.

Check out the next article on Branding where we get into the detail of “How To Promote Your Business As A Brand, using the power of images”

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